Umbra ShadowStream™ - Jobs


Umbra is actively recruiting for a number of roles at the moment and we'd be interesting in receiving your application.

We are keen to benefit from employees from a wide range of backgrounds with different experiences and skills.

As a new company we're not able to offer apprenticeships at this time, although we hope to do so in the future.

We are not looking for enquiries from new agencies at this time.

Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about our vaccancies.

Chief Commercial Officer
Details to follow...
Finance Director
Part-time/fractional CFO. Must have exeperience with venture rounds and dealing with venture investors.
Rust Engineer
Experience with demanding high-performance applications is helpful. In addition to Rust, Typescript, Node, Docker, etc. are useful. More details to follow...
Front-end Engineer
HTML, JS, CSS UI/UX. More details to follow...
Cloud Systems Engineer
More details to follow...

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about Umbra Systems Limited, please get in touch.