Umbra ShadowStream™
Umbra’s unique maths distributes your data securely and redundantly across 7 cloud providers.
You are free of any single point of failure, and secure against breaches on any of those services.
- No need to make off-cloud backups.
- Simplify your cloud storage.
- Potential cost savings.
- Reduced cyber-risk.
- 3x the fault tolerance.
- Seamless backup.
Umbra reduces your carbon footprint: typically by 41%. Umbra has the potential to save approximately the same carbon emissions as all airline travel.
AWS S3 Security & Cost Review
Umbra will provide a review of your current AWS (or compatible) S3 Security posture & costs. We will walk through your S3 settings and backup arrangements and provide a written report and recommendations. Please contact us for pricing.
Learn more about cloud storage risks.
Umbra is compatible with any storage provider that implements the AWS S3 API. At present there are over 30 of these. Here is a sample:
Pick 7, depend on any 4
Changing over to Umbra only requires changing storage credentials; all the content is copied in the background. So there's no downtime. Umbra makes it easy to run the legacy storage in parallel with Umbra for complete confidence.
Find out about implementing Umbra ShadowStream.